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Ready, set, grow! How long does it take for a bean to get growing?How does a beanstalk grow in the first place? In this experiment, you’ll investigate the growth of pinto beans and see if you can crea ...

Determine if adding sugar to the water would increase the growth of plantsIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content ...

Greywater, also spelled gray water, is considered wastewater by most people. However, it’s beginning to be treated and used as fresh water around the world in places dealing with growing populations b ...

Find out whether putting a transparent object on top of a plant will inhibit its growth.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected ...

Which of the following will grow larger plants with a greater number of flowers in the same time period, under the same conditions of water, light and temperature? Those in compost, those in soil plus ...

Determine whether plants are phototropic and provide evidence to substantiate the project`s results.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be ...

Determine what kind of light will produce the greatest plant growth, regular light or fluorescent light?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you wil ...

Plants require sixteen essential nutrients to grow. If there is a deficiency of nutrients then the plant will not grow properly. If plants are fertilized at the beginning of growth then they will grow ...

In this project, measure the rate of growth of a bean seed or young plant placed in a superabsorbent crystal medium to that of a simular plant placed in soil. These crystals canstore water in the soil ...

Earthworms live pretty secret lives underground. Have you ever seen earthworms on the grass or sidewalk after a rain, wriggling back into the soil?Every animal has a job in the place they live; all or ...